Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Goldenfully Globular

I care about as much for what goes on at the Golden Globes as I do the Daytime Emmys. But they are usually seen as a precusor to who's going to walk home with Oscars. And thus, it was entirely unsurprising that the Globes bestowed top honors to Brokeback Mountain. Which is perfectly fine, if the movie is in fact good enough to deserve it. I'll see it eventually, since every report I've had from friends of mine, not just the press, has been glowing. Excessive hype is what turns me off, not the idea of gay cowboys. But that's the problem here; awards season is every bit as predictable as the three-act structure of a boilerplate Hollywood script. Find the movie getting the biggest buzz, and there's your winner.

Still, there are surprises lurking in each awards show, and Felicity Huffman's win for the little-seen Transamerica is one of those. This probably means she'll get on the Oscar ballot, at least. And though I'm utterly outside the loop when it comes to network television, I have a huge love for HBO's awesome Rome, and I wish it had gotten something.

So, with most of the major awards going to movies about gay or transgendered characters, next up will be Michael Medved's unctuous bloviating about evil librul Hollywood being "out of touch" with traditional American Values, and perhaps the requisite cluck-clucking on Fox News and like-minded media niches. Nothing if not predictable, this business.

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